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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

10 Questions for Evolutionists (PART 2)


Evolutionists: Answer ANY ONE of these 10 questions, and we may give you some respect for your THEORY of evolution:

1) What is the end result of a belief in evolution (lifestyle, society, attitude about others, eternal destiny, etc.)?

2) Do you honestly believe that everything came from nothing?

3) What is so scientific about the idea of hydrogen gas becoming human?

4) What kind of evolutionist are you? Why are you not one of the other eight or ten kinds?

5) How did photosynthesis evolve?

6) When, where, why, and how did man evolve feelings? Love, mercy, guilt, etc. would never evolve in the theory of evolution.

7) Are you sure your answers are reasonable, right, and scientifically provable, or do you just believe that it may have happened the way you have answered? (Do these answers reflect your religion or your science?)

8) Do your answers show more or less faith than the person who says, "God must have designed it"?

9) Is it wise and fair to present the theory of evolution to students as fact?

10) What are you risking if you are wrong because either there is a God or there is not. Both possibilities are frightening.



  • I sincerely wish that evolution could be viewed by the public not as a philosophical/religious stance, but as a scientific theory supported by hundreds, if not thousands, of peer-reviewed experiments.

    I don't think anyone is trying to remove God from life's equation, but since His existence cannot be proved, He has no place in scientific theory. Supernatural explanations of phenomena are antithetical to the true purpose of science. I would encourage you to delve deeper into scientific methodology; perhaps this will answer many of your questions.

    Evolution is the pillar of our understanding of biological process. Without it, our knowledge of disease and disease prevention would be severely hampered. Look up "antibiotic resistance" in any online encyclopedia, and you will find your proof.

    Thanks for sharing, thanks for listening.

    By Blogger jbruno, at 7:38 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 AM  

  • I'm an evolutionist. I bounced in here via blogexplosion. I'll answer some of your questions.

    "2) Do you honestly believe that everything came from nothing?"

    No, I believe in God. I believe evolution is one of God's mechanisms.

    4) "What kind of evolutionist are you? Why are you not one of the other eight or ten kinds?"

    Given that we know Christianity has many different subsets, Judeo-Christianity, Unitarian, Baptists, Catholics, etc. etc., I can't imagine why there is so much anger in your question. Which Christian are you? Why are you not one of the other kinds? Can you not hear the anger in that question?

    "6) When, where, why, and how did man evolve feelings? Love, mercy, guilt, etc. would never evolve in the theory of evolution."

    oh absolutely. Evolution is part of God's design, he made us from the basics of life, which are symbolized in the Bible as being made from dirt, but which are from the elements of the universe itself, manifested during millions of years to be evolution.

    In Evolution, we are still God's creation.

    Literals never explain why they think God creating the heavens and the earth in a day is a 24 hour concept. If the earth wasn't created yet, then it didn't travel one rotation around the sun.

    Ergo, it must be one of God's days, and since he is immortal, that day could be millions of our years long.

    A Biblical understanding of creationism, tempered with the knowledge that the Bible is not so literal shows us that the Bible is 100% compatible with Evolution, which has so much data supporting it, entire libraries could be filled up with the evidence.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:54 AM  

  • i think that emotions could be something that would evolve if they serve to favor natural selection and survival of the fittest.

    By Blogger carrie, at 9:51 PM  

  • jbruno-

    Let's review some very basic logic:

    Complex designs and patterns REQUIRE an intelligent maker.

    Can you think of of an experience you've had where this is not true? (Remember science is the study of what we OBSERVE in nature. Not fairy tales of frogs turning into princes...or should I say scientists.)

    An eye, a cell, an amino acid chain......

    Result of mindless evolution? NO!


    If I took all the components to a computer, put them in a box, shook it up, and added some sunlight how many billions of years would it take for those components to form a computer? Would 60 be enough?

    And how much more complex is a single cell?


    How does love, forgiveness, and mercy fit into evolution? Isn't it survival of the fittest? Darwinian evolution can only produce wackos like Hitler. That's true Darwinianism....and at least he was being honest about it.

    How is it that more than anything we ALL crave deep down to be loved and accepted by others if we evolved from gases? If we all evolved...the meaning of life is reproducing with as many good gened mates as possible...then why do even the most rich, famous, and powerful men desire to be married to one person?

    You know the feeling of emptiness that's deep down inside of you like there is something missing, how does that play into natural selection?

    By Blogger Adam Bomb, at 1:06 AM  

  • What you sincerely wish is of no consequence. It will not change the truth about creation or evolution---right?
    So, before we look at evolution,
    We know that Darwin did not write the theory of evolution... correct?It was written by a low performing student recovering from malaria...right?

    oh yes- "right"

    Now what does the theory say that you are so proud of?
    You know I have never had an answer to this ; have you read it ?
    It is pretty...well..B.S.


    By Anonymous selah, at 10:15 PM  

  • Anonymous-

    With all sincerity, please do yourself a favor and read the Bible. Many people think that God used evolution but your argument shows your true ignorance in light of what the Bible actually says (unless your referring to a different God than the one in the Bible).

    "No, I believe in God. I believe evolution is one of God's mechanisms."


    1. Evolution says....the Earth started out covered with molten rock and extremely hot.

    The Bible says....the Earth started as water (Genesis 1:2,6,7).

    2. Evolution says...the sun and moon, planets, the solar system and galaxies formed billions of years before the Earth was able to bear biological life.

    The Bible says....God made the land, plants, trees, etc. on day 3 and the sun, moon, etc. on day 4 (Gen. 1:9-19).

    3. Evolution says....birds evolved from reptiles.

    The Bible says....marine life and birds were created on day 5 and reptiles were created on day 6 (Gen. 1:20-25).

    4. Evolution says....man evolved from ape-like creatures.

    The Bible says....God created man from the dust of the ground in the image of God (I guess this works if your calling God a dirty monkey), Gen. 1:26-28.

    The Evolution model and Creation model are complete opposites. They both cant be true at the same time. Only one can be right.

    "A Biblical understanding of creationism, tempered with the knowledge that the Bible is not so literal shows us that the Bible is 100% compatible with Evolution, which has so much data supporting it, entire libraries could be filled up with the evidence."

    WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!! And you know it. There is not one shred of proof that we evolved or God used long periods of time to create. Actually archeology and the fossil record prove otherwise.

    "Literals never explain why they think God creating the heavens and the earth in a day is a 24 hour concept. If the earth wasn't created yet, then it didn't travel one rotation around the sun."

    Well today is your lucky day! I'm a literal and I'd love to explain it to you. Now from this point forward you can either turn your head and walk away or embrace the Truth:

    1. Each day of creation are all equal in length. That would make sense right, since the words "day" and "evening and morning" are used consistantly for all 6 days?

    2. God created our physical universe which consists of time, space and matter. Dont you think God could keep track of time before the planets were created? This would seem like an easy task if He was able to create light the 1st day and attached the light to stars on the 4th day. God did not create the planets so He could have light and the ability to keep track of time. He created these for us!!! He can do what He wants stop trying to limit Him or put Him in a box so you can feel comfortable with your idea of Him. He's not a tame pet that you can manipulate....His ways are far above your ways. God create the length of the day and set the planets in orbit at the exact speed, distance, and tilt according to His infinite wisdom...God knew how long "evening and morning" was before He set everyhing in motion.

    3. In the Hebrew language there are many words that could have been used to indicate long periods of time. Instead, God specifically chose to use the word "day" meaning a 24 hour period.

    4. Six times the Bible says "evening and morning" in the Creation account (once for each day). Every single time in the Old Testament where the words "evening and morning" are used they mean a literal 24-hour period. Why would it be any different here? Did God create language to confuse people or to communicate? Not taking this portion of the Bible literally would destroy the purpose of language.

    5. Just to make sure we got the point, God Himself wrote with His very own hand one the tablets of stone in the middle of the 10 Commandments: "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day..." (Exodus 20:11 KJV). Who's right you or God?

    6. 6 times God looks at creation and says it is "Good" and a 7th time at the end of Creation and says "Very Good" (Genesis 1:31). If this is 6 billion years of death, decay, and struggle and God calls it "Very Good", are you sure you want to go to heaven?

    7. "Ergo, it must be one of God's days, and since he is immortal, that day could be millions of our years long."

    Well not exactly, though both Moses and Peter did say that one day is like a thousand years with the Lord (Psalms 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8). But OK let's just say that 1 day = 1 billion years and each day is equal..... Question:

    Adam lived until day 7.....

    Is Adam 1,000,000,000 years old on day 7? Is Adam 1,000 years old on day 7?

    Answer: God said on the day that you eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil you will surely die. Is God a liar? No! No one has lived 1,000 years (1 day). Methulsalah lived to be 969 years old, not quite 1,000 years. His name meant "when I die the world ends" and He died the year of Noah's Flood. Adam lived to be 927 years old.

    For more on this go here:

    What's the point?:

    Adam's spirit was seperated from God's that 24-hour period he sinned (death = seperation).....therefore YOU must be born-again of the Spirit.

    Adam was seperated from his body (died) before that day was over (1,000 years).....therefore you will some day be seperated from your body because YOU have also sinned.

    AND....unless you receive Jesus' payment for your sin YOUR soul will be seperated from God in Hell forever.

    Either the Bible is not literal and has no definite meaning...or it is and you better pay attention. It makes all the difference.

    By Blogger Adam Bomb, at 11:48 PM  

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