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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Outspoken Women, Theories, and Evolution

I was watching The View and Barbara Walters brought up Pope Benedict's recent statement regarding the absurdity of believing solely in Creationism or Evolution...we can just believe in BOTH!!!

I don't think so.

The discussion between the ladies was quite revealing. The statements made by Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who generally takes the more conservative view and is a Christian, were the closest to Truth of any of the ladies (including Joy Behar, who was raised Catholic). In discussing her views and beliefs, she stated that she believes the seven day creation spoken about in Genesis 1 may not have been in the 24 hour day span we believe to be one day.

*For our view on this, refer to Introduction to the Bible on our website.

Hasselbeck also discussed the flaw she sees in completely separating church and state. While the discussion did not lead to Hasselbeck completely denying Evolution, she did state that she believes everything comes from God and He understands things down to the cellular level, so when discussing the origin of life in a science class, it does not make sense to her to completely leave God out of it. Science and God "blend" together.

It's safe to say that this is the accepted "norm" for most Christians. The other day I received an email from a gentleman claiming to be a Christian, but he thinks I'm crazy for believing Creation. The separation of church and state has forced the youngest generation at the time to learn, and accept, only evolution. My high school biology book makes it's easy to see why. It's filled with so many big words that make it difficult to understand and easy to cover up the huge gaps in it.

Thinking back, it was in 8th grade when I learned what a theory was.

theory (n) - a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

The Big Bang was introduced as an example of a theory. What does that do to evolution, which has been accepted as fact? If the very thing that started evolution is a theory, what does that say about the "fact"?

As a scientist, you are taught to constantly question. As a student learning science, you are required to accept things because they are published in your books. Anyone else noticing the double standard here?

The point is that you cannot accept both. It's one or the other. Evolution is full of big words and confusing statements. Creation is clear, simple, and easy to understand. We keep finding that pattern: man talks in circles, God and the writers of the Bible make very clear statements.

It takes a much bigger leap of faith to believe evolution than it does Creation. But, the choice is up to you.



  • Sarah -

    Please google "scientific theory" you'll find that it has nothing in common with the defintion you gave. You probably won't, since factual information doesn't seem to be a concern for people that push a creationism viewpoint. When you post misleading information, is that not a violation of one of your sacred 10 commandment? You know....the one about NOT BEARING FALSE WITTNESS? Apparently, lying to promote your religious views must be fine and dandy with your god.....since it is a standard tactic for those push the creationist view.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:07 AM  

  • Well done Sarah.

    To your so-called "Christian" critics I only pose one question:

    How do you call yourself a "Christian" and at the same time call God a liar? For God (Jesus) wrote with His own finger right in the middle of the Ten Commandments:

    "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." (Exodus 20:11)

    So if you lable yourself a Christain, think again, because you might be fooling yourself. Followers of Christ don't stretch scientific conclusions in order to make God out to be a liar.

    By Blogger Adam Bomb, at 8:10 PM  

  • Hey Anonymous--
    Take your own theory and go evolve. Don't even come here to judge and spew your evolutionist wrath. Believe what you want but I'll tell you one thing...your words are recorded for that "unknown" Creator you spend so long arguing doesn't exist to see your attack on this commentary about a TV show. I am thankful that I am not in your shoes.

    Why use "anonymous"? It's cowardly.

    By Blogger www.bibletruthonline.com, at 9:51 PM  

  • So which am I to accept...that Benedict is the champion of creationism or hiding pedophiles?

    By Blogger Erik, at 9:59 PM  

  • The latter.

    By Blogger Adam Bomb, at 12:50 AM  

  • Why was my long comment not accepted? No belief in free speech?

    By Blogger rasmussenanders, at 9:29 AM  

  • Mr. Rasmussenanders-
    This wasn't my blog post and I(we) have had a busy work week...I will comment if you like, however, Sarah wrote this particular post. I don't know why free speech has anything to do with it...you have the right to post and comment on your own blog if you wish to exercise free speech.

    God bless.

    By Blogger www.bibletruthonline.com, at 9:47 PM  

  • >"God and the writers of the Bible make very clear statements."


    God also makes clear in Genesis 1:6-7 that there is a large body of water above the sky (firmament). In fact, the entire planet is surrounded by this large body of water and protected only by God's creation of the sky.

    Also, God also makes clear in Genesis 1 that lights in the firmament do NOT move for they were set in the firmament. Set objects don't move.

    Folks need to just read their Bibles. Its all very clear to anyone who'll just read what it says.

    God bless...

    By Blogger Timothy, at 3:06 PM  

  • Timothy-
    Your silently sarcastic statement got me thinking along your line of logic.
    Allow me to finish your thought-

    a)Genesis is one of the 5 books of Moses.
    b)Moses stated that these works came from God Himself.
    c)Genesis is a bunch of "myths" and fables.
    d)Since Moses is given credit for the book of Genesis, Moses is a liar.
    e)If we really, REALLY, read our Bible, then we can jump to Exodus 20:1-17...you know the part that is called "The 10 Commandments" and realize that Moses is a fable writing liar and that verse 11...you know the commandment that says, "for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth" should be completely removed because it is unclear, and another oral tradition used to control and mislead. Why should it be removed? Because Moses is a fable writing liar...
    f) This is great news for you because now you have only 9 commandments left and will spend less time in the confessional!

    Can we just forget this whole Bible study thing and take the Eucharist instead...you know...the SUPER literal bible interpretation where the bread and wine is ACTUALLY the flesh and blood? Or maybe Communion should be struck out too because that fable writing liar, Moses, had the nerve to show up on the Mount Transfiguration too...and we already have established him to be a no good,myth telling liar.

    God Bless YOU.

    By Blogger www.bibletruthonline.com, at 9:35 AM  

  • timothy;
    in an earlier post you said ;
    there is a large body of water in the firmament.
    it is my belief that ; during the flood it fell
    so i dont see that as a point ;
    do you agree with that or do you have another explanation

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:42 AM  

  • When you have some people believing in Creation/ and other people believing in Evolution, I don't see how they are talking about the same Gospel!

    I wonder why people who believe in Evolution don't seem to mind that Apes are locked up at the Zoo?...
    Also, what does that make their god out to be?
    (Oh yeah, they call the Communion god, at their "Bloodless" alter.)
    The difference with the Real God, is He (Christ) shed His blood for the remission of sins. He said; 'It is finished.' then He gave up the Ghost. Then three days later He rose again!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:13 PM  

  • I just skimmed through the comments and then read the post again. I like the comments but,the post is even better.I thought the original post was about how evolution is being forced into consideration by giving school kids only one form of thought.Honestly; iI think thats the bigger issue here
    good posting
    p.s. give me more

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:31 AM  

  • evolution vs creationism
    but what of dino"s
    evolution must take gases and form a dino by what bacteria? and those of creationism must deal with the {thou way to few} fossiels.
    it's a shame that no one really wants to know.a carefull look at genesis and the book of enoch would give "better answers"
    but then again; no one really wants to know.----right?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 AM  

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